Hyperlipidemia Management

In the United States, nearly 94 million adults ages 20 or older have total cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dl. Because high cholesterol has no symptoms, many people don’t know that their cholesterol is elevated. A simple blood test can check cholesterol levels. We specializes in providing adequate management to this medical condition thereby decreasing your risk of cardiac attack.

  • Hyperlipidemia Management
  • How Can I Lower My Cholesterol Level?

    Your Provider here at Mercy Seat Medical is an expert in the management of this chronic condition. We will help you in creating an individualized medical plan rooted in evidence-based practice and targeted at promoting healthy lifestyle modifications to reduce your cholesterol level. If you have any questions regarding the management of your cholesterol level, please give us a call at the office.

  • How Can I Lower My Cholesterol Level?